Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stupid class stressing me out

I need to rant. :p Tonight I have my Intro to Business class, and I hate it. First of all the class is way too late at night, from 6:00pm to 8:45pm. The good part is most of the time we get out early, but that's because no one ever bothers to show up. We have this project due soon (I don't even know when yet) that's supposed to be a 25-50 page business plan. We are supposed to have groups of 4, but half the class never shows up so me, and one other person (who's always late, because he has a class in the other campus that ends 15 minutes before this one starts... oh by the way, the other campus is 30 miles away! UGH)

Two weeks ago I had a migraine, came home early, and missed the class. Last week was Veteran's Day and school was closed... so now I have to go to class tonight, and I have no idea how we're even going to work on this project.......... I'm going to explode. :(