Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm not a taxi service.

Ok I haven't really been on in a while, but here's my rant for today.

I'm not a taxi service. I got my first car back in September. Neither of my two best friends have a car of their own yet, so that means whenever we want to go somewhere, I'll be in charge of the driving, or at least the form of transportation. However the last few days, I'm starting to think that people think I can just stop everything, and go chauffeur for them!! This is the way the convo went:
Friend: I hate to ask you but can you do something for me?
Me: What?
Friend: Can you take me to *blank*(30 miles away) to pick up my books (for college)
Me: I already went today sorry...
Friend: Well I'd give you gas money if I had it.
Me: *thinking* Well that does me a lot of good doesn't it?
Me: Sorry, I don't think I can do it.
Friend: It's ok.

By the way, her mom does have a car. It's old and isn't in great condition but I really think it would make the trip. And now today, she called again. It's really icy outside too, I actually had an appointment for an oil change that I cancelled because of the weather.

Friend: What are you doing?
Me: Nothing. Did you get your books yesterday?
Friend: No.... could you take me today?
Me: It's really icy today, I don't think I can.
Friend: Well if you could get to my house, I could drive the rest of the way in your car and be careful.... my mom could give you gas money, or I could pay you back in a couple months.
Me: Sorry, it's really icy, and they closed the schools.

Now am I the one being a jerk, or is that really annoying?

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I'm still here. I haven't forgotten my blog. Not all the way at least. I just keep forgetting to put something in it. lol.

So my semester is almost over, I just have to go in on Monday, and work on that business plan some with my partner. Then on Tuesday, it's the big day! I get to present it.. Doesn't that sound fun? -_- Then on Wednesday, I get to go sell my books that I won't use anymore, and get some cash in return... which will be great since I got those books on Financial Aid. However I'm going to take that money and buy some Christmas presents which I'll probably do on Saturday. So I'm going to have a strange week coming up.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stupid class stressing me out

I need to rant. :p Tonight I have my Intro to Business class, and I hate it. First of all the class is way too late at night, from 6:00pm to 8:45pm. The good part is most of the time we get out early, but that's because no one ever bothers to show up. We have this project due soon (I don't even know when yet) that's supposed to be a 25-50 page business plan. We are supposed to have groups of 4, but half the class never shows up so me, and one other person (who's always late, because he has a class in the other campus that ends 15 minutes before this one starts... oh by the way, the other campus is 30 miles away! UGH)

Two weeks ago I had a migraine, came home early, and missed the class. Last week was Veteran's Day and school was closed... so now I have to go to class tonight, and I have no idea how we're even going to work on this project.......... I'm going to explode. :(

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Post

I'm going to try my hand yet again at making a blog. I've already done this several times, and I always give up on it. I have one for my composition class, but I'd really rather not use that one for personal use because we have talked about some pretty strange topics that i don't think anyone would want to know about. O_o anyway...

Me............. you all know me already so let's do the whole shoutout to everyone now. Hi. :p

So. Now that I'm in college I should have some interesting stories right? Um. not really. I'm just sitting here, waiting to go to my Statistics class. Well I do have a funny story about that. Ok, my Stat. instructor is this older lady who is about 75 I think she said. She actually taught my dad back in high school.... and he graduated in 1973. She's nice and all, but let's just say she's not very technology-friendly... she has problems with the projector almost every time, and she seems to think she's always right all the time, even when someone tries to tell her what's wrong with the computer. lol

Anyway, that's about all i have to say right now. I'm going to really try this time to write stuff in it...