Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Post

I'm going to try my hand yet again at making a blog. I've already done this several times, and I always give up on it. I have one for my composition class, but I'd really rather not use that one for personal use because we have talked about some pretty strange topics that i don't think anyone would want to know about. O_o anyway...

Me............. you all know me already so let's do the whole shoutout to everyone now. Hi. :p

So. Now that I'm in college I should have some interesting stories right? Um. not really. I'm just sitting here, waiting to go to my Statistics class. Well I do have a funny story about that. Ok, my Stat. instructor is this older lady who is about 75 I think she said. She actually taught my dad back in high school.... and he graduated in 1973. She's nice and all, but let's just say she's not very technology-friendly... she has problems with the projector almost every time, and she seems to think she's always right all the time, even when someone tries to tell her what's wrong with the computer. lol

Anyway, that's about all i have to say right now. I'm going to really try this time to write stuff in it...

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